[Unicon-group] Help us test/update the benchmarks
Jeffery, Clint (jefferyc@uidaho.edu)
2017-04-11 15:29:24 UTC
Your Unicon pop challenge of the day, should you choose to accept it, is to cd into your tests/bench directory, type "make" and "./run-benchmark" and report your results if a similar machine is not already reported on unicon.org/bench.

Folks using binary distributions might not get to have the fun; not sure if binaries have tests/bench or a

"make" program for compiling them.

I ran mine today on my desktop at work and found my current machine running almost 10x faster than a previous desktop machine where I ran the benchmarks for Unicon version 12.

I would say: we haven't collected enough data yet to call the benchmarks "mature" and are still kicking the tires on the process, so problem reports are also welcome.


David Gamey
2017-04-11 17:11:16 UTC
As a binary user, I'd love to help and run these later this week. I don't think there is a make.
If anyone has a solution to this, please speak up.  Sergey?

From: "Jeffery, Clint (***@uidaho.edu)" <***@uidaho.edu>
To: Unicon group <unicon-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 11:29 AM
Subject: [Unicon-group] Help us test/update the benchmarks

<!--#yiv1175722339 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}-->Your Unicon pop challenge of the day, should you choose to accept it, is to cd into your tests/bench directory, type "make" and "./run-benchmark" and report your results if a similar machine is not already reported on unicon.org/bench.
Folks using binary distributions might not get to have the fun; not sure if binaries have tests/bench or a"make" program for compiling them.
I ran mine today on my desktop at work and found my current machine running almost 10x faster than a previous desktop machine where I ran the benchmarks for Unicon version 12.
I would say: we haven't collected enough data yet to call the benchmarks "mature" and are still kicking the tires on the process, so problem reports are also welcome.
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